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In Memory of Edmond ter Riet

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Windows Aero

Windows Aero

Windows Vista is the first Windows operating system that has a user experience that can gracefully scale to the hardware capabilities of the computer it is installed on. All computers that meet minimal hardware requirements will see the Windows Vista Basic user experience, which provides the benefits of the refined interface features already mentioned.

Windows Vista Aero provides spectacular visual effects such as glass-like interface elements that you can see through.

Windows Aero is an environment with an additional level of visual sophistication, one that is even more responsive and manageable, providing a further level of clarity and confidence to Windows users.

Ten latest tips:
596 ETCopy a vbScript clone of RoboCopy
595 Will my programs work on Windows Vista?
594 AutoComplete in Explorer
593 The new features in Vista
592 Vista for everyone
591 File Menu in Internet Explorer 7
590 Microsoft Gives the Gift of Vista
589 Managing Power in Windows Vista Windows Aero
587 What is a Windows Vista Capable PC?
586 Windows vista editions